Women on Board Türkiye
Women on Board Association Türkiye (WOB Türkiye)

Established on January 2017, the main objective of the Women on Board Association Türkiye (WOB Türkiye) is to promote social development by increasing female representation on boards. 

WOB Türkiye works with the mission to undertake an advocacy role for all stakeholders regarding the social and economic benefit of equal gender representation on Boards and to help women develop themselves for this purpose.

Murat Özyeğin
WOB Turkey Advisory Board President
Social Gender Equality, Now
As stated by the World Economic Forum, according to current conditions gender equality is expected to be secured in the USA in 208 years. In our country this is predicted to take even longer. We cannot think of waiting out this period. Because in order to be able to cope with the mounting difficulties our planet and our economies face, we need to have every member of society represented and all talents put to use.

Hande Yaşargil
WOB Turkey Board of Directors President
We’re exist, here, ready…
Many studies have shown that companies with a high number of women on their boards perform much better in almost every field, and that such companies have better ethical reputation, lower levels of corruption and that they take better calculated risks. However it seems pointless for us to talk about these subjects.
Burçak Güven
Burçak Güven
Co-President, WOB Turkey
Journalist, Clinical Psychologist
Executive Coach, Coaching Supervisor
"Artık harekete geçmek, tarihe not düşmek, değerli bir miras bırakmak istiyoruz. Hedeflerimiz ve bu ülkenin geleceği için arzularımız örtüşüyorsa lütfen artık siz de katılın ki önce kadınları, sonra da çeşitlilik için ihtiyacımız olan tüm grupları karar mekanizmalarının içine hep birlikte taşıyalım!"
Murat Ülker
Murat Ülker
Yıldız Holding Board Member
WOB Turkey Advisory Board Member
“When the client of a business is not represented in the management of that business something is missing from the decision process. For the soundness of that business its management should be representing the client so that the correct product, service and communication is made possible. In our country as in the world, women play a major part in the buying decision. Since they are the ones deciding what to buy, they should have their say as to what should be produced, how it should be produced and sold.”
Cem Boyner
Cem Boyner
Boyner Group CEO
WOB Turkey 1st Term Advisory Board President
“There is a need for more women on the boards of companies. Diversity is always good and creates wealth. And innovation is only possible in areas where diversity exists.”
Muzaffer Akpınar
Muzaffer Akpınar
MV Holding Vice President of the Board
WOB Tukey 2nd Term Advisory Board President
“This is a marathon. In time people will appreciate the value of having 50 percent women’s mind on boards of directors.”
Suzan Sabancı Dinçer
Suzan Sabancı Dinçer
Akbank Chairwoman of the Board
WOB Turkey 3rd Term Advisory Board President
“I believe this program is an important initiative for strong, smart and hardworking women to make their voices better heard in the social and economic area. It also provides companies looking for highly qualified executives for their boards with many high quality choices.”
Mustafa V. Koç
Mustafa V. Koç
Our 1st and 2nd Term Mentor
In Remembrance
“Gender equality means freedom for both men and women. It accepts the premise that people are individuals first. It frees them from prejudice. As a society that strives for continuous development, we must appreciate the value added by women and do what we can for gender equality. A society without women is a society without tomorrow.”
Boyner Grup
Doğan Holding