Women on Board Turkey
06 January 2020
4th Term Launch was held by Women on Board Turkey Association

A new term and new objectives in Women on Board Turkey Association!

WOB Turkey Advisory Board Chairperson Murat Özyeğin, " Our common responsibility is to prepare Turkey's economy and society a stronger future "

4th Mentoring Program organized by Women on Board Turkey Association (WOB Turkey), founded to ensure more women to take part in the Boards in Turkey, began. The launch hosted by Advisory Board Chairperson Murat Özyeğin and WOB Turkey Co-Presidents Hande Yaşargil and Burçak Güven and the participation of the high-level executives of Turkey's leading companies at the Esma Sultan mansion. Suzan Sabancı Dinçer, who executed as the Chairperson of the Advisory Board of the previous term, handed over her position to Murat Özyeğin this year.

WOB Turkey 4th term, rotation of the Advisory Board Presidency, announcement of mentor-mentee matches officially started.

It was announced that matching our 60 mentors in the new term, which will last 18 months, with their mentees.

Suzan Sabancı Dinçer, who executed as the Chairperson of the Advisory Board for the 3rd term, handed over her position to Murat Özyeğin. The red foundation pen, which symbolizes the aim of seeing more women in the signature of the most important decisions, was handed over to Murat Özyeğin by Suzan Sabancı Dinçer at the traditional handover ceremony of WOB Turkey since 2011.

Suzan Sabancı Dinçer said, "Our mentoring program has been successful as we expected during the last nine years. It has spread all over Turkey. The funding we received from the European Union NGO'S Grant Program has been expanded the capacity and area of influence of our association. It was a turning point in raising the reputation of our association in both Turkey and the EU. Our recognition, sphere of the influence and most importantly our courage have increased greatly. I would like to thank all business people who were here today and who did not leave us alone and who mentored despite their busy agendas."

Murat Özyeğin, who has been an individual mentor for WOB Turkey for years, mentioned:" Today, I'm excited to take over a position that I feel honoured. WOB Turkey is an organization that I have mentoring individually and being a corporate supporter as FIBA Group. Our common responsibility is to prepare Turkey's economy and society a stronger future. Many studies have determined that good governance principles are applied and that the Boards with women are more successful. Therefore, it will be in our best interest to support these initiatives. As I always say, the issue of women on Board is not a women's issue. It is an economic issue, a social issue and a humanitarian issue."

WOB Turkey Chairperson Hande Yaşargil said, "In 8 years, we have closed the lack of educated, equipped and enthusiastic Board Member Candidate that stands as a technical problem in front of change. Now, we only lack demand, all we need is the man-power to decide to change it!"

WOB Turkey Co-President Burçak Güven said, "the biggest barrier to women's participation in decision-making mechanisms is our prejudices that are deeper and deeper than we realize. First of all, as all business leaders must act immediately in order to reach the rational structure that our business, our country and the world need by fighting these prejudices in ourselves."


About Women on Board Turkey Association:

The main objective of the Women on Board Turkey Association established in January 2017 is to promote social development by increasing female representation on Boards.

Many studies indicate that diversity of Boards has a majoır positive impact on the performance of institutions, making this a requirement for social development. However, the rate of women at top decision-making levels in the institutions that lead our economy is quite low. good governance principles are applied and that the Boards with women are more successful. The origin of the Association is the Women on Board of Directors Program, created in 2012 by Managing Partner of Mentor Consulting Hande Yaşargil and Forbes Turkey Executive Editor Burçak Güven. The Women on Board of Directors Program is Turkey's first and only certificate program in the field of Board Membership, accredited by respected academic institutions. One of the main elements of the program is the cross-company Mentoring system, which allows being mentored by the country's most effective business people and opinion leaders. During every 18 months, our mentors play an important part by working with new female mentees and helping them prepare for their role on Boards. Until now the first three stages have been completed with the participation of 137 high-level women directors as Mentees. The 4th stage of the Women on Board Program has begun in January 2020.

While Women on Board Turkey Association continues to implement this unique program, carrying out their activities of communication, cooperation, awareness and information sharing in order to increase the representation rate of women on Boards.





For Further Information:

Elif Savran / Canvas Communication and Consulting


0533 370 0352